duty of care

Four ways SafetyAware meets Alberta lone worker legislation

Four ways SafetyAware meets Alberta lone worker legislation



Most employers in Alberta have employees who need to work alone. The legislation first established in 2000, and updated as recently as June 1, 2018, states that companies need to protect these workers. Simply put, the law says employers must do “everything reasonable”, but what exactly does this mean and how do companies comply while maintaining productivity? While the legislation itself is quite brief, the government offers recommendations that break down exactly what a company can do to support different scenarios. In Working Alone Safely: A Guide for Employers and Employees, there are guidelines for action, including the challenging area of communication support.

Aware360’s SafetyAware solution provides real-time monitoring and communication technology to address lone worker requirements. Here are the recommendations for employees on their own, especially in hazardous environments such as in forestry and oil and gas, and how SafetyAware addresses and exceeds them:


1. Regular telephone, cell phone or radio contact:

App-based system for cellphones and satellite devices, which provides both automated and manual check-ins depending on the situation and established procedures

In addition, SafetyAware has paired a wearable for workers who are in need of a more rapid and discrete SOS button.

2. Scheduled check-in times to managers and supervisors:

Check-ins via the app go to a real-time monitoring center that’s always-on, 24/7/365. Any issues are escalated to company employees based on the company’s chosen protocols.

3. Alarm system to alert other employees:

Through the app, SafetyAware goes beyond alerting other employees to alert the real-time response center.

The response center can respond using two-way communication with the worker, and have critical data on the employee’s time, location, condition and activity. This data helps inform next steps and equips the response team to act quickly and appropriately.

4. “Overdue employee” procedure  to initiate searches for employees who fail to report in.

Scheduled check-ins ensure an alert is automatically triggered if someone fails to respond.

Importantly, with SafetyAware, missed check-ins are first investigated by the real-time response center. The burden is not on the worker’s manager to investigate every missed check-in. Real people assess the situation and escalate as needed.


SafetyAware can be up and running in minutes across your workforce. It combines real people with real-time data to support safety, provides reports that help you be proactive in addressing hazards, and keeps workers and managers productive and efficient. Most importantly, it saves lives.

To learn about how SafetyAware can help your organization, contact us for a free demo.

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