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People-centric technology to keep oil and gas workers safer

The need for employers to do a better job of protecting at-risk workers is real and urgent. According to the CDC, the fatality rate in the oil and gas industry is 7x greater than others. 

Preventing any injury or fatality among your remote, lone or at-risk workers starts with adopting a solution that will offer real-time visibility and data to help you make better decisions and keep your most valued assets safe.

That’s where digitalization comes into play, a critical aspect in enhancing employee engagement and safety. With most employees in oil and gas working remotely or in particularly hazardous situations, it’s essential to be prepared to ensure their safety through streamlined processes.


Don't let distance stand in the way of safety

Long hours, night shifts, and fast-changing environments

The oil and gas industry is known for at-risk workers spending long stretches of time out in the field and alone. Often, these workers operate heavy machinery and work with hazardous chemicals and gasses that can potentially harm them.

Fatigue and impairment are also linked with the frequent long hours, night shifts, camp living, and extended time away from home that workers in the industry deal with. In fact, it frequently plays a role in motor vehicle crashes, which in the United States account for over 40% of work-related fatalities in the oil and gas extraction industry.

A PeopleIoT™ solution that puts your workers at the center

Aware360 understands people are the most important part of any workplace and provides the tools to keep employees safe throughout their day. Driven by our passion for people, for more than 20 years we have empowered frontline employees, while continuously allowing companies to uncover new ways to increase productivity.

In fact, our industry-leading connected worker solutions are rooted in the oil and gas industry, which means we have a thorough and conscientious understanding of the frequent challenges their lone and at-risk workers face, and how to overcome them.


Real-time safety outcomes to future-proof your business

When you commit to safety, you have the potential to boost productivity, maximize ROI, and place more effort on strengthening your business.

Group 108Gain real-time insight that can save lives

Group 108Guarantee appropriate and timely responses for your endangered workers

Group 108Ensure your workers are fit for duty before starting their shifts

Group 108Ensure connectivity even outside of cellular coverage

Group 108Reduce expenses and missed work days stemming from workplace injuries

Group 108Stay compliant with legislation and regulations, and uphold duty of care


More than 70 connected devices

Aware360 is better at integrating hardware and software than anyone else. We offer multiple network connectivity options –including 4G/5G, Satellite, WiFi, and Bluetooth– as well as a myriad of devices which you can choose from to fit your employees’ needs, including smartphones, wearables and satellite devices.

oil and gas support items
  • Sign-on/Sign-off

  • Hazard timer

  • Geofencing

  • Satellite connectivity

  • Gas detection

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All workers have the ability to sign on and off at the beginning or end of their shift, allowing them to keep connected to their manager throughout the day, especially during days of extreme weather.

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Hazard timer

If one of your lone workers is about to enter a known dangerous area, they can set a hazard timer. If they do not check-in before the timer runs out, the configurable escalation plan will be set in motion.

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If one of your workers is driving to a job site where they could be exposed to dangerous topographic conditions, you can use geofencing to inform them of the areas they should avoid.

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Satellite connectivity

Give your workers a simple to use check in system and access to emergency alerts.

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Gas detection

By pairing our SafetyAware solution with your gas detector of choice, you can set actionable alarms for any harmful gases your workers might be exposed to, no matter where, no matter when.

What our customers are saying

“We were concerned that if someone was in a vehicle accident, we might not know for hours. Now, if an accident or emergency were to occur, we would find out. We can use employees as resources to help each other, and let them know the situation to make sure they can evacuate safely.”

“This is a step up in our safety –someone is always there. Aware360 has been very responsive and willing to help whenever we need it. It’s great service.”

Meet with our experts and learn how we can support your organization’s safety culture

If you’re already a customer and want to submit a ticket, click here.
