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While your workers are focused on changing lives, who’s protecting theirs?

Every day, social service workers put their lives on the line to support our communities.

Organizations need an enterprise solution to help
protect their workforce, retain top talent, and mitigate risks.

Group 20595

Social workers typically engage with clients who might easily be having the worst day of their life, leading to volatility. When unpredictability is the norm, your worker safety can’t be left to chance.

There have been 139 deaths recorded in the Community and Social Services occupations over the last five years.

Having an enterprise solution with proactive safety features can be a game-changer in an industry with lone, mobile and high-risk workers.

“With Aware360, we know where they are, and we know who they're visiting. When they start their shift, we can follow them on screen. Once they go into a house, they can begin a hazard timer; once they're done, they can just end it.”
- Director, Community Housing 

social service worker

Stay ahead of the risk
with the right safety solution

How can we help?

  • Assistance request to provide professional help even if not an emergency
  • Two-way communication for direct messaging for quick updates and support
  • Missed check-out alerts to notify if a worker doesn’t safely exit an appointment

Whether facing potential violence and other hazards in a homeless shelter or a correctional facility, your team needs quick, reliable access to help whenever they feel at risk.

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How can we help?

  • Viewable predator information for added awareness into the residency of registered sexual offenders
  • Timed sessions to monitor employees during visits for enhanced safety
  • Geofencing to delimit safe and hazardous areas, customize alerts and response plans

Engaging with clients who have a history of aggression, mental health issues, or substance abuse can be dangerous. Provide your workers with tools that improve their situational awareness and offer early alerts, ensuring they are prepared for any potential threats before they escalate.

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How can we help?

  • Companion mode to monitor vulnerable employees via phone call until they confirm they are safe
  • Two-way communication with the press of a button for quick messaging and support
  • Timed sessions to monitor employees during visits for enhanced safety

Verbal abuse, threats, and intimidation are part of the job for many social workers. To ensure their safety and well-being, a companion system can offer real-time support and peace of mind, so your staff are never truly alone.

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How can we help?

  • One-touch SOS button to get immediate help to workers in need
  • Missed check-out alerts to assist employees that have not checked-in on time
  • Customized action plans for faster and more relevant responses based on the event
  • Advanced location technologies to know where your workers are in case of an incident

Our solutions are equipped to provide instant, informed assistance in emergencies, from physical altercations to health risks or traffic accidents, delivering support when and where it’s needed.

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When your workers need a hand

When they need situational awareness

When they need a companion

When they need immediate help

A secure platform enabled by mobile apps or wearable devices

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Mobile app

Wearable device

AlertGPS mobile app

Whether you issue mobile devices to your staff or they have their own personal phones, by choosing the AlertGPS smartphone app can reduce the upfront cost of safety wearables.

  • Timed sessions with missed check-out alerts
  • Registered predators location
  • Enhanced privacy options
  • Smart and threat zones

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ActiveHalo wearable

A simple, one-button device to initiate two-way emergency voice calls to our 24/7 real-time response center.

  • 4G LTE waterproof device
  • Advanced fall-detection​
  • Audible personal alarms​
  • Superior location technologies​
  • Versatile attachments and charging​
  • Hands-free 2-way voice​
  • Check-in button for location​
  • Confirming vibration on pressing​

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Aware360 Group 20594

Let us prepare you for every situation, 
from the unexpected to the everyday. Book a call today.