
New Customized Dashboard Makes It Easier To Monitor Safety

New Customized Dashboard Makes It Easier To Monitor Safety



Calgary, Alberta, July 11 , 2018 -- Aware360 has released a customizable dashboard for its web-based Control Center. Used with SafetyAware, a software solution for lone workers, the Control Center provides visibility into the location and status of all employees, and highlights critical information for the response coordinator if a person needs help.   The new dashboard selector allows users to create personal views within the Control Center. Users can choose features to display, such as maps, activity, asset lists, devices and reports. Elements can be moved and resized to create ideal views, and views can be saved for easy access. Whether from a desktop or multiple monitors in an emergency response center, the configurable dashboard puts critical real-time information at users' fingertips. 

"We've heard from customers and from our response center partners that they want quick access to the features most important to them," says Steve Matthews, CEO of Aware360. "A configurable dashboard offers fast access to real-time information, and allows each client and response center to focus on the information most critical to their unique circumstance in an emergency."

The new customizable dashboard is being released as a software update pushed out to all customers.  


About Aware360

Aware360 understands people are the most important part of any workplace and provides the tools to ensure they will have help whenever it’s needed. Driven by our passion for people, Aware360 creates solutions to connect people with personal technology to those who care and can help. This ensures people are safe, especially when they are exposed to social, environmental or health risks.

From workers in the most remote locations to delivery drivers in urban areas, we provide the technology and response network to ensure their safety anywhere in the world. That’s the power of PeopleIoT™ solutions. 

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