
Aware360 Wins CIO Review’s Award for the Top 20 Most Promising IoT Solutions Providers

Aware360 Wins CIO Review’s Award for the Top 20 Most Promising IoT Solutions Providers



Calgary, Canada, January 17, 2018 | Aware360 was presented with the Top 20 Most Promising IoT Solutions Providers Award on Wednesday IoT by CIO Review Magazine for outstanding accomplishments in IoT. Aware360 won the prize among other innovative companies such as Clovity, WINT and RUBICS. CIO Review Magazine’s editorial board selected Aware360 for a list of promising solution providers that combine innovative technologies with latest financial strategies. Specializing in bridging the gap between vendors and buyers, CIO Review Magazine created the list to help CTOs, CIOs, and CEOs find solution providers that best fit their needs. Founded in 1987, the magazine continues to serve as a valuable source of information for technology service executives and decision makers.

Aware360 stood out among other nominees for providing effective yet economical lone worker safety solutions. Steve Matthews, CEO of Aware360 described,

“While IoT solution providers always had access to a multitude of devices—apps, wearables and sensors—there was no viable solution available to keep people connected and protected in real time, addressing a multitude of potential safety issues.”

Today, Aware360 is able to address specific instances for companies who wish to ensure the safety of employees in remote or dangerous locations. The company also offers effective solutions for education providers to ensure student and teacher/worker safety. Pioneering the IoT industry to bring innovative real time employee connectivity to response centers, Aware360 is adding new situation-specific features to further develop its solutions. Matthews explained,

“The ability of PeopleIoT™ solutions to integrate any device, network or platform provides the robustness needed to handle the variations of user activity—without the inflexibility of the many soiled solutions we see today. Offering a solution that works for users, their management and internal IT, brings the best of IoT to people—opening up many new opportunities to promote a safe and healthy workplace.”

Upon receiving the Top 20 Most Promising IoT Solutions Providers Award, Aware360 is excited to continue developing innovative, cost-effective solutions to meet the needs of companies and institutions who are seeking to provide effective safety services to their staff and employees.

Meet with our experts and learn how we can support your organization’s safety culture

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