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Lone Worker Safety Apps: Your Guide to Protecting Your Workforce in 2024

Keep your lone workers safe. Explore benefits & how to choose the best lone worker safety app.



With more people working in increasingly remote locations and without supervision, the safety of lone workers is becoming a concern for businesses all over the world. In fact, fifteen percent of today's employees work by themselves, according to National Safety Council (NSC) statistics. Workers who work without close supervision or immediate access to colleagues face various and increased risks, including accidents and medical emergencies.

The lone worker safety app is a solution aimed at reducing these risks through features like real-time monitoring, communication, and quick response, helping to protect your workforce. Here at Aware360, we will discuss how these apps are crucial for ensuring the safety of lone workers and providing security for both employers and their employees.

Understanding lone worker risks

As previously mentioned, a lone worker is someone who works without close supervision or direct support from colleagues. This includes a variety of jobs like field oil and gas technicians, utilities workers, and healthcare workers. Despite the differences in these roles, they all share the increased risk that comes from working alone.

Lone workers face several significant risks, including accidents and injuries where immediate help isn't available, threats of violence or aggression from the public or intruders, medical emergencies that need quick assistance, and environmental hazards like extreme weather or exposure to dangerous substances.

Employers who ignore the safety of lone workers risk not only ethical issues but also legal and financial consequences. Safety regulations are getting stricter, and failing to protect workers can lead to fines, legal problems, and harm to the company's reputation. Additionally, accidents or safety incidents can negatively affect team morale and productivity.

How lone worker safety apps can help

Lone worker safety apps significantly improve the safety and security of employees working alone. These apps come with features designed to prevent accidents and provide quick responses in emergencies. Here's a breakdown of how they function and their advantages:

SafetyAware by Aware360-Lone worker app


Key features:

  • Check-ins and automated alerts: Workers can check in at regular intervals to confirm their safety. If a check-in is missed, the app can alert supervisors or emergency contacts about a possible problem.
  • GPS tracking and location sharing: Real-time GPS tracking can let employers know where their lone workers are at all times, which is crucial for fast emergency response.
  • Panic buttons and emergency assistance: Workers can press a panic button in the app to immediately alert their employer or a monitoring center, speeding up the assistance dispatch.
  • Two-way communication: The app supports strong two-way communication, so workers can ask for help or advice, and employers can check on their team's well-being.


  • Improved safety and peace of mind: Quick emergency response capabilities give both employees and employers peace of mind.
  • Enhanced communication and monitoring: Constant communication and location monitoring of lone workers enhance safety.
  • Reduced risk of accidents: The app's safety features decrease the chance of accidents or dangerous incidents.
  • Compliance with safety regulations: The app helps meet local and international safety standards, avoiding legal problems and fines.
  • Increased productivity: Feeling safe helps employees focus better, boosting productivity and operational efficiency.

Lone worker safety apps like SafetyAware by Aware360 are comprehensive solutions that protect employees and improve operations. These apps are essential for businesses aiming to safeguard their workforce and comply with safety regulations in 2024.

Choosing the right lone worker safety app

According to surveys, nearly 70% of organizations reported a safety incident involving someone working by themselves in the past three years, and 1 in 5 of these incidents were described as ‘quite or very severe.’ It’s, therefore, clear that investing in lone worker safety technology is a process that needs to be taken seriously. Choosing the right lone worker safety app for your organization is one of the most important decisions you have to make, and it depends on various important factors. Here's what you need to consider to make sure the app you pick meets your needs:

  • Features and functionality: Look for key features like real-time GPS tracking, panic buttons, two-way communication, etc. The necessary features depend on the risks your lone workers encounter.
  • Ease of use and user interface: The app must be easy for your employees to use, especially in stressful situations. A complex interface can delay emergency responses.
  • Compatibility with devices and networks: The app should work well on all devices (smartphones, tablets) and operating systems (iOS, Android) your team uses, and it must be reliable under various network conditions, such as wifi, cellular, and satellite.
  • Cost and pricing plans: Assess the cost to ensure it fits your budget, considering both initial and ongoing expenses for services, support, and updates.
  • Customer support and reliability: Choose an app with reliable customer support and a track record of effective and timely help. The app must reliably send alerts and work well in all situations.
  • Compliance with regulations: The app should comply with local and international safety regulations, ensuring you meet legal requirements and effectively protect your workers.

There are many options available, but the best choice will depend on your specific needs and situation. Reviewing comparison resources or consulting with safety experts can help you find a lone worker safety app that suits your organization's requirements. 

Implementing a lone worker safety program

Essentially, a lone worker safety program consists of a set of policies and guidelines designed to protect employees. Lone workers face particular risks that are uncommon in traditional work environments. To mitigate these occupational safety risks, the program includes various strategies. Among these strategies is the use of technology, such as lone worker safety apps, which form an integral part of a comprehensive approach to tackling the distinct challenges faced by these workers. Here's how to develop and implement an effective program:

  • Conduct a risk assessment: Identify risks by looking at job roles, work environments, and times when vulnerability is highest. Knowing these risks is crucial for creating a focused safety program.
  • Choose a suitable lone worker safety app: Choose an app that addresses the identified risks, taking into account its ease of use, compatibility with devices, cost, and adherence to safety regulations.
  • Train employees: Provide thorough training on app usage and safety procedures, ensuring employees are comfortable and understand how to respond in emergencies.
  • Implement a communication and response plan: Outline emergency communication procedures and response actions, specifying roles and escalation processes.
  • Regularly review and update the program: Continuously evaluate the program's effectiveness, incorporating employee feedback and adjusting to new risks or improvements.

By taking these steps, businesses can give their lone workers a valuable tool with the lone worker safety app and back it up with a comprehensive safety program. This two-pronged approach greatly increases protection for lone workers, combining technology with knowledge to keep them safe, and giving employers confidence in the safety of their workforce.

Aware360 offers solutions focusing on the well-being of lone workers through real-time monitoring and communication, ensuring help is available no matter where they are. Download our guide to lone worker solutions to discover how the latest safety solutions can help save lives.

SafetyAware brings peace of mind to your workers

Lone worker safety is important because these workers are exposed to various hazards, including accidents, injuries, and environmental threats. This underscores the importance of targeted safety measures. 

Integrating lone worker safety apps into a comprehensive safety program significantly enhances protection for lone workers and demonstrates a genuine commitment to looking after employees' well-being.

Here at Aware360, we suggest exploring lone worker safety apps and considering their integration into your safety plans. Get in touch and book a meeting with us—we're here to help with selecting the appropriate app for your business. Take steps now to safeguard your employees, reduce risks, and provide peace of mind for everyone involved.


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