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fitness for duty

Aware360: Fatigue Assessment to Measure Fitness for Work

Aware360 is pleased to introduce Aware4Duty, an app-based cognitive assessment to measure alertness and fatigue in 60 seconds or less.



New product identifies impairment to improve worksite safety and performance


Aware4Duty Product_squareCALGARY, ALBERTAAware360, a global leader in technology tools to enhance worker safety and productivity, is pleased to introduce Aware4Duty. Validated by the NIOSH, the solution requires employees to perform a 60 second, app-based cognitive assessment measuring alertness and fatigue.

Aware4Duty measures alertness with privacy, objectivity and fairness in mind. The emphasis is on the level of cognitive performance compared to an individual’s unique baseline score of 10 previous tests. It simply identifies significant variation from previous results, indicating alertness is outside normal range. A lower than normal result empowers the employer to initiate company programs for increased rest or assignment of lower-risk tasks.

The need for workplace impairment screening is on the rise, statistics estimate it costs American businesses $136.4B each year. Traditional bio-based testing is costly, invasive and cannot identify fatigue-related impairment. Aware4Duty’s ability to detect fatigue and other sources of impairment through a smartphone or tablet will allow employers to identify workers who may have an increased safety risk without compromising personal privacy.

“Employees suffering from fatigue are almost three times more likely to be involved in a workplace accident, with as many as 69% of employees citing that they are tired while at work,” says Steve Matthews, CEO of Aware360. “The use of technology like Aware4Duty has the ability to reduce worker compensation claims by 70% while increasing productivity by 11%.”

Employers have a Duty of Care to ensure their employees, to the extent that is reasonably possible, are healthy and safe on the job. In addition, the emergence of Fit for Duty policies within energy, manufacturing and transportation industries are driving employers to implement controls for fatigue and impairment.


> Take the quiz to assess your organization's fatigue risk


About Aware360

With more than 15 years in the industry, Aware360 provides the technology and response network needed to keep lone and at-risk workers safer and more productive throughout their day through a patented PeopleIoT™ connected worker ecosystem. With 400+ customers, and over 50,000 active users on their platform across the globe, the Aware360 suite of safety solutions leverages personal technology such as smartphones, wearables and satellite devices to protect at-risk workers through real-time monitoring, communication and response.



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