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Discover the Top 10 Workplace Safety Tech Trends

Written by Aware360 | Dec 1, 2022 7:35:00 PM

As we wrap up from this tumultuous and unexpected year, employers are looking to new technologies to improve the health, safety, and productivity of workers in 2024 and beyond. While innovations in workplace safety grow, businesses are realizing the value of investing in technology like connected worker solutions to protect workers. It’s expected that by 2027, the connected worker market will grow to over $12.1 Billion in the US alone.

After consulting with safety professionals and analyzing market forecasts, we compiled a list of the top safety technology trends to look for in 2023.


1. Contact tracing apps and devices:

As safety remains a top priority, digital contact tracing solutions from Aware360 are seeing increased adoption. These tools are proving useful in various environments, ensuring the well-being of the workforce.

2. Digital health assessments:

Organizations are focusing on the health of their workers more than ever. Digital solutions are aiding in this effort by providing platforms for symptom assessment questionnaires, which assist in maintaining a healthy workplace.

3. Thermal imaging: 

As a response to various health concerns, temperature checks have become more commonplace. Businesses are looking for efficient solutions, such as Garda’s walkthrough temperature screening gate, to seamlessly integrate this precaution into their daily operations.

4. Driver monitoring systems (DMS):

As “last-mile” transport market grows, the need for driver safety systems, like LifeSaver, is needed to prevent accidents and distracted driving.

5. Fatigue detection technologies:

According to the NSC, 69% of workers are tired at work. New software, like Aware4Duty, can assess the alertness of your workforce in less than 60 seconds to ensure your workers are fit-for-duty.

6. Virtual reality (VR) training:

For more safety-sensitive training, VR allows employees to experience pseudo-hazardous situations or emergencies that are impractical to replicate in real life, allowing for better employee training and scenario response. Solutions like VR Vision’s will continue to modernize worker training to help eliminate risk.

7. Lone worker safety:

As more individuals begin working remotely, businesses need to adapt to a modern system to ensure communication and safety in the field. SafetyAware, for example, is an all-in-one solution that leverages smartphones, wearables, and satellite communicators to fill that need.

8. Wearable biosensors:

New wearables like E-Team’s hDrop can detect dehydration in workers to reduce their risk while performing in high-heat and/or low humidity environments.

9. Drones:

Instead of putting individuals at-risk when inspecting a site, drones can give workers insights on an unstable location and have the capability to deliver materials and essential supplies safely. Flyability’s Elios 2 is used by energy companies to collect inspection data without putting workers at risk.

10. Ergonomics risk management:

As more employees work from home, the need to evaluate workstations to prevent injuries is on the rise. Organization's like Cardinus have ergonomic risk evaluation software to help employers mitigate this risk.

About Aware360: The connected worker platform

Aware360 understands people are the most important part of any workplace and provides the tools to keep employees safe throughout their day. Driven by our passion for people, the Aware360 suite of safety solutions leverage personal technology such as smartphones, wearables and satellite devices to keep people safe and productive, while reducing corporate risk.