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Group 8

We've got great news:

GeoPro has joined the Aware360 family, from RoadPost Inc. Our two organizations have a long history of working together. This transition will allow GeoPro's apps and devices to continue to grow under Aware360's industry-leading PeopleIoT™ platform. Together, we remain committed to meeting the needs of your organization and delivering the best safety outcomes. 


What to expect?

  • 24/7/365 live monitoring and support
  • Enhanced two-way, communication 
  • SOS, fall detection, hazards, and non-emergency alerts
  • Configurable escalation plans
  • Configurable shift, check-in, and hazard timers and reminders
  • Advanced geofencing
  • Robust record-keeping and reporting for audits and incidents

Learn how we can support your organization’s safety culture

Group 16408

Real-time, worker-centric solutions

Our solutions are designed to adapt to your specific worker safety needs. We are more than just another app or wearable device. Aware360’s patented PeopleIoT™ connected worker ecosystem combines real time data from multiple devices, apps and sensors to deliver a holistic and people-centric safety outcome.


Aware360’s best-in-class technology allows its range of solutions to fully adapt to the diverse use cases and needs of any organization. Designed and architected as a scalable and adaptable connected worker platform, it can seamlessly integrate with as many existing and future systems and devices as required.

Proven reliability

When a worker needs assistance, it’s critical they trust the reliability of the service, as it can be a life or death situation. Our integrated solutions are fully tested and monitored 24x7, ensuring maximum availability. Our solutions exceed industry uptime requirements with less than one hour of unplanned outage per year.

SafetyAware product tour

Learn more about how to use our SafetyAware solution to keep your workers safer

What our customers are saying

  • “

    “We were concerned that if someone was in a vehicle accident, we might not know for hours. Now, if an accident or emergency were to occur, we would find out. We can use employees as resources to help each other, and let them know the situation to make sure they can evacuate safely.”

  • “

    “This is a step up in our safety –someone is always there. Aware360 has been very responsive and willing to help whenever we need it. It’s great service.”

“We were concerned that if someone was in a vehicle accident, we might not know for hours. Now, if an accident or emergency were to occur, we would find out. We can use employees as resources to help each other, and let them know the situation to make sure they can evacuate safely.”

“This is a step up in our safety –someone is always there. Aware360 has been very responsive and willing to help whenever we need it. It’s great service.”

About Aware360

Aware360 provides the technology and response network you need to keep at-risk workers safe through scalable, people-centric IoT solutions. Driven by our passion for people, the Aware360 suite of safety solutions leverages personal technology such as smartphones, wearables and satellite devices to keep people safe and productive.

From lone workers in the most remote locations to delivery drivers in urban areas, our two-way communication systems and real-time support put people in the center and ensure they’re seamlessly connected wherever their workday takes them.