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How to Manage Change When Implementing Safety Technology

Written by Eric Fishman | Feb 17, 2023 8:33:46 PM

Change management is a critical aspect of implementing safety technology in any organization. The pace of digital innovation is pushing organizations to look at ways to leverage technology to enhance the safety of their employees and improve their overall safety culture. However, implementing safety technology, like those offered by Aware360, often involves significant changes in processes, systems, and behaviors, which can be met with resistance from employees. This blog will discuss the importance of change management when implementing safety technology and provide tips for success.

Why is change management important?

Change management is critical to the success of safety technology implementation because it helps employees understand, accept, and adapt to new ways of working. Change management is critical to ensuring your organization can achieve the desired outcomes of its investment. Resistance to change can arise from various factors, such as fear of the unknown, lack of understanding, or a sense of attachment to established processes. When employees do not embrace new technology, it can lead to low adoption rates and decreased effectiveness, ultimately hindering the return on investment in the technology.

Moreover, change management also helps to minimize disruptions during the implementation process. By managing the transition, organizations can ensure that employees are prepared for the changes and that operations are not disrupted during the implementation process. This helps to maintain productivity and ensure a smooth transition to the new technology.

5 tips for successful change management

1. Communicate changes effectively 

Effective communication is key to a successful change management process. Organizations should ensure that employees are informed of the changes and their reasons.  Proactive communication should be the cornerstone of the process. As you pilot or select technology, communicate to your employees that change is coming and why.  This helps to build trust and reduce resistance to change. Additionally, regular updates and open forums for employee feedback can help to address any concerns and provide a sense of transparency.

2. Conduct thorough training on new technologies  

Training seems to be the obvious one, but it’s often overlooked and done poorly.  Providing employees with training on new technology and processes is critical to its success. Ensure that the appropriate training is provided to the correct role within the technology system.  This helps employees understand the technology and its benefits, as well as providing them with the skills they need to use it effectively.

3. Involve employees in the change process

Involving employees in the implementation –and, if possible, the technology selection– can help build buy-in and reduce resistance to change. This can be done by involving employees in pilot testing, providing them with opportunities for input, or allowing them to help shape the implementation process. In many cases, you can use tools you already have in place to create meaningful surveys and data collection as a foundation for their involvement and internal reviews.

4. Provide robust support and training during transition

Supporting employees during the implementation process is essential. This includes providing access to resources, such as training materials, and ensuring that employees have access to help and support when needed.

5. Foster a culture of safety

Creating a safety culture that values and supports the use of technology can help to ensure its long-term success. It is important that organizations foster a culture free from fear, embracing of transparency, and a foundation of trust –a psychologically safe environment– so that frontline workers, managers, and executives can see the value of new technology. This can be achieved through training, reinforcement of the importance of safety technology, and recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions to the safety culture. 

Change management can determine workplace safety success

Change management is a critical component of safety technology implementation. By managing the transition, organizations can ensure that employees are prepared for the changes and that operations are not disrupted. Effective communication, training, involvement, support, and culture are all important factors in ensuring a successful implementation. By investing in change management, organizations can ensure that safety technology is adopted and effectively integrated into their safety culture, ultimately leading to a safer workplace for employees.

Building safer environments for employees should be a top priority for all employers. To learn more about how the latest safety solutions can make a difference, get in touch with Aware360’s dedicated team of safety experts.